Friday, February 5, 2010

Recklessly, Messily

God's reckless love for the brokenhearted is coming. I am in for the ride of my life. I cannot presume to know everything, and I plead that I will not use past experience as my guide when this love begins to overflow me. Love is not an office schedule I make sitting in my high-rise. There will be plenty of moments when I am so full of God's compassion I will not even know how to proceed. How could I know this love that is completely inhuman? My response is to bow down low. Human love will never be perfection. God's love is perfection. In His presence my own downheartedness will become the "perfection for which He possessed me." In His presence I am safe in this abandonment. If I am afraid that I will make a mistake in loving someone, I will remain human in my love. If I am compelled by God, I will not even be afraid of someone else's motives, because I know in the end the greatest thing I will ever do is to be a reckless lover of God. When he loves me with heaven, I have been consumed, I have been overtaken. I am not loving humanly anymore. There are no formulas. Each person needs a stellar personal touch from which God is the Star Performer. May I never believe that I have my own needs, or someone else's needs all figured out. When I am hurt, when I am broken and when others are hurt around me, the Spirit of God is hovering. Oh may I not run beyond those precious open moments. They are the portals to God-given wholeness. When I cry out to Him He begins creating with His love on earth. We are all here with God to be recklessly, messily consumed. This is what God has always had in mind as He loves us.

Oswald Chambers, page 570, "That Which is Perfect"
Philippians 3: 12
1 John 4:18
Image by Heart-A-Day, Gretchen

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